
Sammydress Bag Review.


A couple of Weeks ago I received a wonderful bag  from Sammydress It was my first collab with this site and I have good experience so far.
I didn't wait too much for my order, and everything that I have got was tax free :) 
I don't remember details about shipping costs but I know it was a small amount of money(approximatly 1$-2$) for about three pieces.
I must say this bag was so cheap and yet it's quality is so good. In reality it looks the same as on the site and I am happy to say that I was not dissapointed. 
The bag is small one, but that is what I wanted. I am inloved with this small bags trend :)

Tell me in comments how do you like this bag and do you prefer small or the big ones?Kisses, A.

Prije nekog vremena sa sajta Sammydress mi je stigla ova predivna torbica. Iskreno oduševila sam se što mi je stigla identična torbica kao sa slike,dakle ni sekundu razlike nema, što je često slučaj sa narudžbama online.
Torbu zajedno sa još dvije stvarčice mi nisu ocarinili što je odlična stvar,a narudžba mi je stigla relativno brzo.
Cijena je sitnica, a torba odlična.
Klikom na link ispod možete pogledati cijenu torbice kao i ostalu ponudu.
A ja necu pretjerivati sa tekstom jer smatram da fotografije dovoljno pričaju.

Da li volite više ove manje torbe ili one veće?Ja sam nekako ljubiteljka malih u posljednje vrijeme.

Šaljem poljupce,A


CLICK Here For bag/kliknite ovdje za link torbe

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8 komentari

  1. Beautiful bag!

    Would you like to support each other by following? Let me know <3

  2. Predivna je, a i sama boja je divna.

  3. Predivnaa je!
    Ja inače volim ovakve male torbice ali da im je izgled baš vrh!Divna je♥

    Bella Place.

  4. Predivna torbica, fotografije su ti super.
