
Zaful Valentines sale


I ovoga puta na stranici sam našla jako finih stvarčica.. Zaista je odličan izbor i teško se odlučiti šta naručiti.. A moram vas i obradovati sniženjem povodom dana zaljubljenih.
Ispod teksta možete vidjeti sta sam ja ovaj put izabrala ,a ako kliknete na linkove ispod, pronaći ćete mnogo sniženih stvari.

I came across Zaful recently and found many great pieces. It is really hard to choose among all those excellent bags,jackets and other pieces.
And since the Valentines day is coming soon there are many discounts.
Below the text you can see what I chose this time,and if you click on the links down below you will find many cheap things.

Valentines sale 2018 (click here-klik na link)

Valentines sale(click here-klik na link)

valentines day special

And this bag stole my heart :D
U ovu torbu sam se zaljubila.

Hope you like my wishlist and be sure to check out Zaful because there are massive discounts during 12-14 February :)

Nadam se da vam se dopada moja wish lista i da ćete svratiti na Zaful s obzirom da u periodu od 14. februara možete naći mnogo toga na sniženju :)


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