Recently ,for the first time, I ordered something from
I need to say that I am very satisfied with how soon the order arrived and how good the quality is.
Before I show you what I've got I just want to remind you that today is 23.11. an this is the date of Rosegal Black Friday and there are many discounts that goes even to the 80%. Click on the link down below to see the discounts :
Rosegal Black Friday discounts
And,now it is the time to show you what I have got.
First is this beautiful faux fur coat, and it is in pink so I instantly ordered it,cause I really like that color and this type of fur. It is not thick or enormous, it is thinner but soft and warm.
When it came,I was thrilled to see that it is same as in the pictures,there is no big difference or difference at all.
Second thing that came from Rosegal is this marble print backpack. He is beautiful as on the pictures,but I must admit it is a lot smaller than I thought....or maybe I am a bigger woman :D
But whatever, I really like this bagpack,it is cute,and it is useful, because you can wear it as a Bag and as a Backpack... you will see on the pictures both,me wearing it as a backpack and as a shoulder bag.
So at the end, I am pleased with both the stuff that I ordered and I will continue to order from this web shop...
For those of you who wants to try I prepared some coupon code,so you can get a 25% discount an it is Free shipping worldwide
A sada ću vam pokazati šta mi je stiglo.
Prvi je kaputić od vještačkog krzna...Inače ne volim krzna,budu mi krzneni kaputi nekako ogromni i sve to,ali ovaj me je kupio bojom a i izgledao mi je mekan i tanji nego što je to inače...I zaista jeste tako...Prepremekan je i od tanjeg krzna,koje je prenježno. Bila sam oduševljena kada je kaputić stigao jer je čitav kaputić identičan kao na slikama na stranici...
Druga stvar koja mi je stigla jeste marble ruksačić, koji je presladak,i može se nositi na više načina,kao ruksak i kao torba....Jedina mana je što je manji nego na slici, tako mi izgleda...Ili sam ja možda previše velika žena? :D Ne znam :D Kako god meni je presladak i print na njemu je super... Na slikama ispod vidjet ćete kako izgleda kada se nosi kao torba a kako kada se nosi kao ruksak.
Na kraju, reći ću da sam zadovoljna kupovinom na ovom sajtu i da preporučujem da i vi probate...Gore iznad imate link za sniženja a ukoliko želite još,imam kupon kod za vas koji vam donosi 25% sniženja, samo ukucajte RGBF1 pri plaćanju :D
*Za kraj vam ostaje samo još da pogledate slike i da mi javite vaše utiske,da li ste kupovali s ove stranice i da li vam se dopalo?
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