Essence "G'day Sidney" eyeshadow palette



When it comes to Essence eyeshadow palettes, I must admit they are climbing on the ladder of palettes which are very good quality and  affordable too. I came to this conclusion when I was trying new palettes from spring/summer 2019 collection.
In this collection there are 4 new palettes,which are named by some towns.  So I got,for example, Sidney and New York, but there are Rio and Paris,as well.
Each palette consists of several shimmer and several matte shades. Honestly, this shimmer shades are the reason I like this palette.

Let's start first of the packaging. The palettes are closing with the magnet, which is great because I do not have to think if I close it well, the palette is very tightly closed. Within the palette is a mirror, and the part with the eyeshadows is protected by nylon.

G'day Sidney contains 9 different shades, from which it is possible to form many looks. The top row is mat, and the lower is the shimmer shades.When it comes to matte shades, they are not as pigmented as shimmery, but are still usable in many ways. As a primer eyeshadow, for a full lid, and so on ... It has a pair of warm tones shades, which are ideal for every day.
There are shades in the second row, shimmer shades, which are great even when they are being used as a mono eyeshadow, or for creating some "vamp" looks, smokey eyes and etc.They are not so powdery, they are not like those that gets palette dirty .. As for the duration, they can last with the base for most of the day, and without a base, after a while, they start wiping first from middle eyelid. They blend very well, especially the lower part of the palette ... I can say there are of course better and better palettes, but these are quite good if you are not a professional makeup artist, who need something wow ... Price is about 7,5 E.

Have you tried it ? Let me know of your impressions down below in the comments.


Moram priznati, da se Essence kad su u pitanju palete za oči, vrtoglavo brzo penje na ljestvice brendova koji su kvalitetni a čiju kupovinu većina nas može sebi priuštiti.
Na ovaj zaključak me je navelo isprobavanje novih paletica iz kolekcije za proljeće/ljeto 2019.
Kolekcija se sastoji od 4 nove palete, koje nose naziv po gradovima. Tako sam ja dobila na isprobavanje Sidney i New York, a u prodaji se može pronaći još  Rio i Paris.
Svaka paleta se sastoji od nekoliko shimmer i nekoliko mat nijansi. Iskreno,ove shimmer nijanse su ono što je mene osvojilo, ali o tome ću pisati kasnije..

Da krenemo prvo od pakovanja. Palete se zatvaraju na magnet,što je odlično jer ne moram razmišljati jesam li dobro zatvorila, paleta se jako čvrsto zatvori. Unutar palete je ogledalo, a dio sa sjenilima je zaštićen najlonom. 

G'day Sidney u sebi sadrži 9 različitih nijansi,od kojih je moguće formirati dosta look-ova. Gornji red je mat,a donji su shimmer nijanse..

Kada su u pitanju mat nijanse,nisu toliko pigmentirane kao shimmeraste,ali su opet iskoristive,na više načina. Kao podloga,za cijeli kapak , i sl... Ima par zemljanih nijansi,toplog tona,koje su idealne za svaki dan.Meni su nijanse u drugom redu, tj. shimmer nijanse super i kao zasebne na oku,ili za kreiranje nekih "vamp" look-ova , smokey eyes i sl.
Truse se vrlo malo, u pakovanju su u odličnom stanju, nisu poput onih koje se toliko truse da se sva paleta isprlja..Što se tiče trajanja,mogu trajati sa bazom veći dio dana, dok bez baze se nakon nekog vremena počnu skidati prvo sa sredine kapka. Blendaju se sasvim dobro,pogotovo je to slučaj sa donjim dijelom palete... Što se tiče ukupnog dojma, naravno postoje bolje i kvalitetnije palete,ali ove su sasvim dobre ako niste profesionalni šminker pa da vam trebaju neke baš wow wow... Cijena je oko 15KM, i možete ih naći u CM marketima. 

Da li ste ih isprobali ? Pišite mi vaše mišljenje u komentarima :) 

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